June, 1999

I downloaded the base map of the Peloponnese from MapQuest's website.
The tracks were drawn onto the bitmap using
GPS Utility.
GPS Utility lets me annotate the tracks; I chose a "tick" for each 20 minutes of sailing time.
The quality in this image has been degraded by scaling to fit the page; to see a full size one click on the image (30Kb rather than 26Kb).

Google Earth KMZ” file: Full track (20Kb zipped)

Note that the Google Earth track does not include the 20-minute markers that are just visible in the picture above (and more so on the linked full size screen-shot). But the lines are differently coloured in a rainbow(-ish; brown, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet) sequence so it is easier to see the successive days. The actual date and (GMT) start time of each track is visible if you expand the path.

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