Set Psion time via modem
Downloading the time; "NistTime" basics.
A number of places around the world offer a dial-up time service to anyone with a computer, modem and corresponding software.

This program will dial the service offered by the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST, formerly NBS) and set the Psion clock and or record the error.
For suggestions on why to record the error, see Logging of Time Corrections

Other services that I have tried deliver a different format of data. I may consider extending the repertoire of service numbers to call in the future. However each call is very short and hence cheap. The UK service, in contrast, is on a premium-charge telephone number and runs at only 1200 baud.
rest of the "Help" text
"NISTtime" ZIP file for Psion 3A/3C/3MX (about 16Kb)
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