Wildlife picture iconWildlife Surveying

Surveying for wildlife calls for navigation and data recording tools such as a handheld GPS (my GPS page) and palmtop computer (my Psion page). Even going to wildlife lectures in obscure village halls is made easier by having the GPS.
I have records of wildlife contacts, both professional and amateur, and of sightings especially of Kingfishers.
I have undertaken specific surveys, for the local wildlife trust
(BBOWT) and other organisations, of Barn Owls, Water Voles, and Glow-worms. Many areas of the UK have organised group searches every Autumn for hazel nuts that show signs of having been eaten by Dormice; the "Great Nut Hunt". Try the Mammal Society.
For the local
badger group (Binfield Badgers) I keep records of road kills and sometimes watch live badgers from a hide at their suburban sett.
I make no claims to be a wildlife photographer but I persevere...
Photo gallery .

I am trying out a colour video camera in a home-made blue tit nest box. In 2002 this led to a dramatic story explained in this page.

Two broods of robins fledged in my open-fronted birdbox in 2002. I fed them with mealworms that they took from a hastily-constructed feeder. There are eggs in the box again in March 2003.